General Mills has teamed up with WomenHeart in Cheerios Circle of Helping Hearts to offer free cholesterol screening to women in need everywhere. Why? To help in early detection of heart disease.
WomenHeart is the nation’s only patient advocacy organization representing more than 44 million American women living with or at risk for heart disease. It’s mission is to improve the quality of women’s lives and the quality of their healthcare, to include prevention and early detection, accurate diagnosis, and proper treatment of heart disease.
Want to know how you can contribute to this great cause? Inside every box of specially marked Cheerios is a code that you enter on cheerioshelpinghearts.com. For every code entered, Cheerios will donate $1, up to $200,000, to raise awareness for heart disease and provide the free cholesterol screenings.
Cheerios sent me a freshwater pearl bracelet with a heart charm from Charity Charms, (Charity Charms donates a portion of its proceeds to various charities), so I can show my dedication to raising awareness of women’s heart health.
Would you like your own bracelet? Cheerios is generously giving three of my readers their own freshwater pearl bracelet. To enter this giveaway:
1. Leave me a comment telling me how you maintain a healthy heart (must be done for other entries to count).
2. For an extra entry, subscribe to my blog by email or RSS, or follow me on blogger, and leave me a comment letting me know you have done so. If you are already a follower leave a comment letting me know.
3. For another entry, grab my button and add it to your blogroll or sidebar and leave me a comment letting me know.
4. Follow me on Twitter and Tweet this contest. Leave me a comment with the link, so I can check.
Don’t forget to leave your email address in your comments, or make sure it is on your profile and your profile is set to public, so I can contact you if you win. Giveaway open to US addresses, only.
This contest ends Sunday, March 15, at midnight. I will contact the three winners, who will have until Tuesday, March 17, to email me with their mailing addresses. If I don’t hear from them by the deadline I will pick a runner up.

I try to eat lots of veggies and walk a lot. If I don't need to drive I don't. If I eat cereal I eat cherrios.
I did Email and followed you on blogger. I am tiggermom45324 at yahoo dot com and I am the candle. :)
Banner is in my side bar. LOL
I did the twit and followed you on it.
I added you to my RSS on My Yahoo page. This was a lot of fun. Good luck with it. :)
I try to stay away from fried foods and trans and saturated fat. Plus get some exercise. utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com
I keep healthy running after children and being fed cheerios by my kids
try to get up and move and be aware of not just what I eat but how much I eat
I have been running daily for decades. I avoid sugar and drink water instead of soda. It works for me!
I eat protein that is very low in fat-chicken, turkey, fish. Vegetables and fruit. Whole grains but just a few and keep the carbs low. Absolutely no or very little sugar and no caffeine. I walk daily also. Trying to keep it together.
I've been eating a lot of fiber and am losing weight to ease the stress on my ticker.
Like the previous poster said, I too walk a lot! I try to eat healthy and I stay away from fried foods
I have maintained low cholesterol and want to keep it that way so I eat healthy as much as possible, keep salt intake low, I take a baby aspirin everyday & include fish oil regularly, Thank you for hosting this wonderful giveaway
I eat whole grains and walk my dog
I exercise daily and count my calories
rat right go to the gym and bike when i can
I maintain a healthy heart by eating a healthy breakfast, including Cheerios, colorful fruits like blueberries, healthy fats like almonds and dairy like yogurt. asthenight at gmail dot com
Cherrios has been my families cereal for the longest time now and it does keep us healthy and we love it
I walk, I am quitting smoking & have eaten cherrios for years...it is my favorite cereal.
I eat well and exercise at least 4-5 times a week! We only get one heart
I drink lots of water and eat breakfast every day.
I watch my fat intake and eat alot of fresh fruit,vegetables and try to start out every morning with a bwol of Cherrios and a glass of OJ. I have tried the Multi Grain Cherios and they are too sweet, I just like the plain Cherrios.
I am working on getting my heart healthy by playing Wii tennis and Wii Fit 5 days a week, plus I am on Weight Watchers Online food plan! I have lost 51 pounds so far and have more to go!! Thank you for the contest!
I eat lots of fruits and veggies and I am always walking everywhere!
My husband had a heart attack in October which was a huge wake up call. I have changed my entire way of cooking which has helped both of us.
I walk my dog and I try to eat whole grain foods as much as possible.
i exercise and try to eat more fruits and veggies.
I always take the stairs if I have a choice.
we eat whole grain ceral and walk
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. I try to exercise at least 5 times a week and watch my diet. Also, I drink lost of water.
I make every bite count, spend as much time outside as possible, and try to be stress-free! Thanks for the giveaway, these bracelets are beautiful!
I eat yogurt every day, drink lots of water, and am trying to get more steps in per day (using a pedometer to count them).
We try to exercise, practice portion control, drink plenty of water and get 8 hours of sleep. Thank you for the chance.
I walk quite a bit, try to eat healthy and practice yoga daily
I love healthful foods full of antioxidants, and fix plenty of salads and interesting vegetable dishes. I also do Tai Chi and guided imagery.
I try to eat as many fruits and veggies as possible every day.
I drink grape juice (as good as red wine) and have a square of dark choclate daily.
I faithfully take my blodd pressure medicine.
thank you for the great contest
enter me please
plenty of water and lots of sleep
seesessel (at) gmail (dot) com
I try to watch what I eat and get exercise, and I take a baby aspirin a day
Up until a few weeks ago, I seemed to be under alot of stress alot. I began going to church that my husband and I have talked about for years. I love being there. Its so up-lifting. I feel so much better after my worship with Jesus.
Its a great place for me. Since I have been going I have learned the truth for Salvation, this truth has brought my stress levels way down so I'am sure this does my heart good in more ways than one. Thank you
I maintain a healthy heart by walking daily.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I really have started walking more and watching my diet!
I go to the gym after work 5 times a week.. my heart is thanking me!
I am not doing anything and my body is showing it.
I found out this year that I have "high blood pressure" so I changed some of my eating habits. My milk & cheeses are low-fat now, and I'm staying aware of everything I eat... I joined a gym -- the one in my town closed a year ago -- and I'm working at the way I deal with stress... I'm not even 40, but I realize how important it is to take care of the heart. I bought a cuff monitor to check from time to time... I plan on beating this disease -- won't let it beat me! Great contest!
I work out 6 days a week and try to eat healthy
I exercise 6 days a week.(drink only water)
I have mulitiple sclerosis, so I have some limitations. Still, I go to the YMCA and ride a bicycle for 5 miles, three times a week. And I try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
I try to eat right and exercise as much as possible.
I follow
I tweeted
I eat alot of fruits and veggies and drink alot of water.
I subscribe
I maintain a healthy heart by watching my weight and sugar intake.
madamerkf at aol dot com
I recently started exercising with my husband and started to gradually eat healthier.
I love my fruits and vegetables and work out all the time.
Christina - xristya@rock.com - One thing that I really do is eat Honey Oats Cheerios every day to lower (bad) cholesterol. I also eat lots of fruits and veggies and do a lot of walking!
I watch what I eat (and eat in moderation) thanks for the chance
I maintain a healthy heart by eating very healthy foods and I am passionate about consistently sticking to my exercise routine. I do Yoga at least 4-5 times per week, I jog at least 3-4 times per week, I am an avid downhill skier, and in the summer months I cycle, waterski, sail, boat, swim, all to keep healthy and fit. And, with 3 young children we always have Cheerios in our home! Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter.
I am now following you blog on blogger. My username is joannaonthelake
I am now following you on twitter. My username is joannaonthelake
I also twittered about this giveaway. Here is a link to my tweet:
having both high blood pressure and high chlosterol my dr. reccomended to me to eat Cheerios every morning. My cholestrol has gone from 370 to 190 and I am a happy camper eating cheerios, exercizing and reducing my weight has all helped
We are eating less fatty fried foods and drinking more water. Next, is to exercise more. Thank you for the great giveaway!
I eat Cheerios regularly. I also do cardio exercises.
-Terra H.
To be healthier we are cooking a lot of dried beans (cheap too)drinking more water and getting more excercise!
I exercise regularly and stick to foods with healthy fats, while I stay away from saturated fats. Thanks for the chance to win!
I try to excercise regularly and also i try to take the stairs instead of elevators when humanly possible. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com
I walk 30 minutes a day and have cut my eating portions by a 1/3. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I excersise regulary, and try to stay away from saturated fat. I also eat cheerios several times a week for breakfast
I walk every morning with my neighbor.
I try to eat healthy. I eat less meat, less sweets, less fried food and eat more vegetables and high fiber foods.
I walk and do yoga
I exercise and eat healthy foods. Cheerios is in my cupboard, not only does my family love them, so does our bunny.
I try to eat a good breakfast of Cheerios, oatmeal or Shredded Wheat every morning. I also try to exercise by walking.
I watch what I eat and control my portion sizes - and try to exercise!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
I try to exercise. Cut down on fatty foods, and junk food and take vitamins
i follow on blogger
In the summer I try to get out and walk as much as possible. It is very cold here in the winter, so now I'm trying to get to a gym at least 3 times a week.
I don't eat meat, so I keep a diet low in saturated fats. I try to eat lots of whole grains!
onlycancan ta hotmail tod com
I eat right and walk alot :), I also subscribe to your blog
We have three puppies who are now almost six-months old. Weather permitting, we alternate taking them for long walks (about 30 minutes in duration for each puppy). I feel like I get a better cardio workout from that than from my local gym! :)
run every friday
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com
I take long walks with my son in a backpack to keep my heart healthy!
I try to exercise and eat less sweets.
I am trying to exercise more and eat less sodium.
I eat whole grains whenever possible and I like them. I also do my best to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. People just sometimes ignore the importance of adequate sleep.
I do a lot of walking and I watch my weight.
i eat cherrios every morning for breakfast and i exercise 3 times a week. thanks for the giveaway.
I exercise (walking and Pilates), eat very healthfully, take good care of my Type I diabetes, and ward off stress by spending lots of time with my Mom and my beloved cats! :-)
I exercise several times per week and eat cheerios for breakfast.
I try to exercise regularly!
I'm following you in Blogger!
I tweeted your giveaway! (My username is @ThriftyJinxy)
I try to exercise & also eat healthier. Thanks for the giveaway.
I maintain a healthy heart my avoiding eating lots of fatty foods and exercising 4 days a week.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I'm an email subscriber. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I have your button on my blog too. Thanks! http://mowermom.blogspot.com/
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I try to keep my weight under control and have regular check-ups.
I'm following you on Twitter user lisalmg and Tweeted. http://twitter.com/lisalmg/status/1330066887
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I get a lot of exercise and eat lean meat and lots of veggies
Even though I'm still in my 20s, I am aware that heart disease is prevalent among women and is a silent killer. I try my best to not let stress overwhelm me, because over time, it does much harm to the heart and overall health. I also try to get some vigorous walking done, and stay away from very fatty foods. Thanks for the entry!
Lots of fiber, orange juice, love and laughter!
I eat lots of veggies and walk my dogs 4 times a day
I keep my heart healthy by eating right and doing 30 min on exercise bike daily
subscribed to you via email
following you on twitter and tweeted
try to eat well,stay active by walking and swimming
I try to eat healthy thanks
I do a lot of cardio to make sure my heart is strong and healthy.
I follow you on blogger.
I make sure I eat good (lots of fiber) and exercise.
I have your button on my sidebar.
I swim 3 days a week
I exercise and eat a healthy balanced diet. I get regular checkups. Cheerioes are part of my plan for heart health. garrettsambo@aol.com
I keep my stress level down by meditating. I also enjoy walking and "try" to eat healthy foods. And I think "Good Thoughts."
I go to the gym three days a week! Thanks.
choosing healthier food options, walking , and of course, eating cheerios!ashlyn@chuparkoff.com
I try to eat plenty of fiber. Cereals, whole grains, fruits and fresh vegetables are all good sources of fiber.
I am on a fat free diet and I just love Cheerios!
I exercise 5 days per week
Thanks for the chance :)
I eats lots of fruit and vegetables and drink lots of water. I try to exercise every day!
I try to exercise (chasing preschoolers). I have also been eating a lot more salads. Thank you.
I am a subscriber. Thank you.
I exercise regularly. I need to eat more veggies, too, but I love junk food!
I pay more attention to nutrition these days. This heart has got to last me for the rest of my life!!
I go to the gym at least 4 days a week :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I eat oatmeal and other whole fiber foods, exercise a few times a week, and no longer smoke.
I drink plenty of water
I watch my cholesterol and fat intake and try to exercise daily.
i do cardio at least 30 min a day
I take 4 asprins a day, blood pressure meds, cholestrol meds, eat oatmeal(or oats based cereal) & go walking.
I don't drink or do drugs.
I follow on blogger , you're on my blog roll, I subcribe!
I eat oatmeal daily and exercise.
exercise almost everyday, hehe!
I eat healthy,lots of fiber,walk
and try to get lots of sleep
cut down on fatty foods and exercise
Subscribe via email
fiber fiber ... personally, I like oatmeal
I try to limit my sodium intake.
I subscribed by email.
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