Remember my review for Holey Donuts! back in November? Those to die for, melt in your mouth, Low Fat Cinnamon Rolls? Well, guess what? They are having another giveaway! You can get their February Love Assortment consisting of 4 boxes of our latest, best selling, super yummy Holey Donuts! Low Fat Treats and $250 Holey Donuts! store credit good for 1 year.
So how do you enter for a taste of all this yumminess?
To Enter:
Email Holey Donuts! with Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom in the subject line and just a short email saying you'd like to win.
1. Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom MUST be in the email subject line or it will not count.
2. Only one entry per person.
3. Contest ends 2/28/2010.
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