Ok, I was kind of leery to do a review for an adult online store, but after taking a look around Eden Fantasys and seeing that it was actually tasteful (and not too "raunchy"), I agreed. Now, don't get me wrong. They offer all of the toys and movies that you'd expect to see on other sites, but I noticed that it wasn't so much an "in your face" type of thing. So right away they got an "A" for tactfulness.
If you aren't into the racier things offered on the website, they also offer a wide variety of bath and body items, lingerie, and even candles.

I was able to choose some items to review, and there is one thing my husband has begged me for for years. Now, don't go letting your minds get in the gutter too bad...lol. He's always wanted me to do a striptease. Those of you who know me personally, don't fall out of your chairs laughing. I'm not exactly Ms. Grace, let alone a perfect size, add these two together and you can see why I've said no all these years. Hubby has always told me it isn't someone's size it's their confidence, that even "big" girls can be sexy. So maybe I'm getting a little sassier now that I'm in my thirties, or whatever, but when I saw The Striptease Kit, I couldn't resist.
With everything you need to take it all off this striptease kit is the perfect introduction into the world of seductive and exotic dancing. The boxed set includes a sheer scarf, red sequin pasties, body glue and glitter, an instruction booklet, and 10 routine cards.
The sheer scarf is soft to the touch and pleasing to the eye, making it a great accompaniment to any striptease, whether you’re wrapping it around your naked body to tease your audience, or using it to bring them closer. The red sequin pasties are nice and bright and will sparkle and shine in the light, while the gold body glitter will shimmer across your curves, mesmerizing your partner in delight.
To help you along in your striptease journey, the included booklet offers several tips, tricks, ideas, and methods on how to go about setting the tone of the evening and how to find your "stripper personality." Once this identity is found, the 10 routine cards are a great way to pick a prearranged theme for your performance. From punk rock girl to sexy executive and beyond, these cards provide step-by-step dance instructions as well as makeup, clothes, and music selections to better complete the atmosphere.

I also ordered the Housewife's Guide to the Practical Striptease, and I have to say it's been a confidence booster. It backs right up what Hubby said, add to that the fact that your special someone gets the prize at the end of the show and he's sure to love it no matter how far from perfect it was.
Toss your mop and gloves aside! You’re about to get naked….The Housewife’s guide to the Practical Striptease is an entertaining, informative manual for women of all shapes and sizes! It’s about time somebody wrote a "How to" for the practical striptease. Everything you ever wanted to know, and a few things you didn’t! Tips and insider secrets from real strippers! Getting lost in the world of diapers and dishes? Rediscover yourself and every sensuous inch of your body! Learn how to use your best assets to know his socks off! Introduce him to the women he married, and would marry all over again…Former International Feature Entertainer and Playboy TV talk show host, Miyoko is your personal coach to an amazing, sensual, and exciting striptease! She’ll tell you the inside scoop of what works as a stripper and what doesn’t!
Well, if nothing else, at least he'll get a big surprise on Valentine's Day. And if I fall flat on my face, it will be something we can look back on and laugh at, even if it does take me a few years!
Oh, and if you're worried about how the items came shipped? Don't be. It was a very unobtrusive package without any logo's or store names on it!
Want something special for your own Valentine's Day? One of my readers will win a $25 gift certificate to Eden Fantasys!
1. Entry #1 must be done FIRST for all other entries to count.
2. Your email address must be with each comment or available on your Blogger profile (and your profile set to public view) for your comment to count.
3. This contest is open to US addresses only and no PO Boxes will be accepted.
4. This contest ends on 2/04/2010, midnight EST.
5. The winner will be contacted by email and will have 1 days to contact me back with their mailing address or new winner will be chosen.
1. Leave a comment telling me what you plan on doing this Valentine's Day. (Keep it clean, please!)
2. What was the most romantic thing your other half has done on a past Valentine's Day.
3. Subscribe to this blog by email, and leave me a comment letting me know the email address you subscribed with. (You must confirm the subscription for it to count.)
4. Blog about this giveaway with a link back and leave me the link to your blog post in a comment.
5. Follow me on Twitter (right sidebar), and leave me a comment with your Twitter name.
6. Tweet this contest and leave me a comment with the URL to your tweet, this may be done daily. (You can use the Retweet button above this post to make it easier.)
7. Follow me on Google Friend Connect (right sidebar) and leave me a comment letting me know you did.
8. Promote this giveaway in any way and leave me a comment letting me know how you did.
9. Place my blog button (right Sidebar) on your web-page or website and leave me a comment with the URL so I can check.
Lots of ways to enter! Good luck!

We're keeping it simple.
Going for dinner and a movie.
Most romantic thing - He sang Pretty Woman for me on Karoke.
Twitter follower @JalapenoMama and a daily tweet.
Following you - Google Friend Connect.
Darling hubby and I plan to go to a Valentine's Day party at a bar owned by some friends the night before - should be great fun! jenthemommy@live.com
Wow This is really nice of you! I hope you have a good V-day, lol I get to spend mine at work, but as soon as I move up with Kensei we plan on doing a V-day in June type thing!
This Valentine's Day we will probably be making a dinner together at home, and then watching a movie or spending time with a little one (a Westie) because she needs a Valentine too =)
The most romantic thing that my better half has done on Valentine's Day has been giving me a home made card that had his heartfelt feelings for me in it. I treasure that to this day!
I subscribed to your blog via email with the address of henniferus at gmail dot com.
Following you on Twitter under the handle name of henniferus.
There's no romance in my life (not to mention that I don't "celebrate" V-day), so I'm hanging out with my friends and taking photos of a dog sled event we're attending. We may also go out to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate Chinese New Year like I did with my fellow Ox friend.
It's my grandmother's 75th birthday!
(I know, how romantic! lol)
The most romantic thing my S.O. and I have done for the big day is rent a cabin up north where we were far away from everything. We went ice fishing, played card games, snuggled under blankets, and drank champage. We had a cali king sized bed with the most luxurious sheets and quilts. It was heaven!!
Following you on Twitter! (@ErikaElizabeth)
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I plan on spending v-day with the family. I might go out with friends. It's all kind of up in the air.
Following on twitter @gppkd
Not sure yet what the child care situation will be, but I am thinking dinner at home with lots of candles and no kids!! :)
Most romantic thing... one year he got a small grill and took me to the beach. He put down a blanket and out of the cooler he had brought, he took out pre-aluminum foil wrapped fish (already seasoned), some potatoes and we grilled them and watched the sunset!
Nothing romantic going on, but I have a volunteer event I'm hosting-making cards for terminally ill kids.
Unfortunately I have to work on Valentine's Day so no big plans that day...
My hubby is kindof stingy with gifts... but one Valentine's day he brought home a vase with 3 beautiful red roses. I was quite surprised because this is something he rarely does
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If I dont have to work I will be going out to eat with my husband
I plan on going out to a nice dinner.
Daily tweet
for v-day we are going to casa rica, a a nice Mexican place near us... we have to take our son along, but that's what parents do right?
We're staying in for dinner and a movie. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
Most romantic thing - he took care of me, the house, kids and dogs for weeks after a devasting illness.
trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
follow on twitter - happishopr.
trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I plan on going out to eat with my favorite guy.
We plan to give each other another coupon book. Not just "naughty" stuff, but general stuff, like 4 hours of butler service... THAT is my favorite, followed by a 30-minute foot rub! :) ilovetea(at)hellokitty.com
The sweetest thing my husband ever did for the holiday was, when he left on business, to send me a package to open for each day he was gone. Each one had a note, poem, or tiny gift inside. It wasn't the cost that counted, but the thought was worth a million bucks! - ilovetea(at)hellokitty.com
I also follow you on Twitter @supasecretsista - ilovetea(at)hellokitty.com
I think we're just going out to a nice dinner. :)
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
This will be our thrid Valentines day together. The first one we didn't see each other all week because of travel. Last year, he got me an exercise bike, so I guess going out to dinner this year is the most romantic thing.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
Alas, I will be working this Valentine's day. Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow with google freinds connect.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I subscribe via email. Thank you!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
My boyfriend and I actually won't be celebrating ON Valentine's day this year because the week following is my most stressful week at work all year! But we're going to make dinner together and celebrate quietly at home the following weekend.
This will be the first valentine's day for my boyfriend and I but in the past, now ex-husband actually proposed on Valentine's day.
I subscribed to your blog feed.
I now follow you on twitter! (tcleigh730)
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Added you on friend connect.
This valentine's day, i am going to see the movie Valentine's Day with all my friends who are also currently single. So exciting!
I follow you on twitter, username slowclublover.
We usually go out for a nice lunch together on Valentines. debsweeps4@yahoo.com
The most romantic thing he has done on a past Valentine's day is propose. debsweeps4@yahoo.com
I'll be working this valentine's day :( but I'll have a date night on another night!
I'm a google follower :)
I'm making a surprise candlelit dinner for my husband.
My husband brought me red roses and candy and made dinner reservations at our favorite restaurant.
subscribed via email
We'll be staying home with the kids and having a nice dinner. Hubby's bday is this weekend, so we combine both holidays for one date (to save on babysitting!)
Actually, Valentine’s Day is kind of reversed in my home. My husband is great and always cooks and cleans and works while I go to school so on Valentine’s Day I let him have the day off. He doesn’t have to do any of those expected things and I ‘treat’ him!!
One year he secretly ‘stole’ some of my scrapbooking stuff and made me a handmade card and paper flowers. I was really sweet and romantic. And he did a pretty good job too.
I am an e-mail subscriber
I follow you on twitter (GMERRELL)
I just tweeted at http://twitter.com/GMERRELL/status/8599765586
I follow on Google Friend Connect (gmmerrell)
I don't have specific plans for Valentine's Day yet - definitely going to keep it simple; maybe cooking a nice meal with my boyfriend at our place. Hope you have a good one too!
One of the most romantic things he did for me was to make a piece of silver jewelry that he designed - our initials entwined to look like a Celtic design. It was so creative and beautiful!
I'm following you on Twitter (@anylit)
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/anylit/status/8600693808
We're having a romantic getaway in New York City.
This Valentines we plan on staying home and cooking a romantic dinner and then a hot bubble bath!
Last year my boyfriend took me to the beach for valentines day. it was really romantic!
We plan to try and get the little one to bed early so we can have some quality time together.
It may be cliche, but the proposal happened on Valentines while strolling along the river walkway after a nice romantic dinner.
I'm planning on spending the night at home with my sweetheart, watching movies, playing games, and having a little fun of course ;)
I avoid crowds like the plauge, we'll be staying home doing nothing special.
My husband's not romantic at all. ONE year he did get me flowers and a card though.
I plan on being taken out to dinner for Valentine's Day, exchanging gifts and spending alone time with my special one.
He made me breakfast in bed ! :)
I subscribe by email and confirmed. romapup at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter @romapr09
I tweeted http://twitter.com/romapr09/status/8611561993
Wea re going out to dinner and to see amovie, also. probably "Valentines Day".
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I follow on twitter (eswright18).
eswright18 at gmail dot com
We are having a couples weekend out of town with 3 other couples. We are planning on having a quiet weekend and probably going out to dinner at some point.
My husband and I were only doing for about 5 months when we had our first valentine's day. We were both young and in college and so we said no gifts, we were just going out to dinner. Well he showed up to dinner with a stuffed animal and in the dogs ears were diamond earrings. It was so romantic. I still have the puppy 12 yrs later.
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/tomandmollyk/status/8615814635
I'm not sure! Hubby is keeping it secret. I know in the morning we are on nursery duty at church, and then MIL and FIL are watching our daughter while we go out.
Hubby bought me flowers and oreos. I'm simple. I don't need more than that for it to be an awesome Valentine's Day!
We are going to dinner and then dancing, thanks!
we are driving to the beach with the kid on v-tines. then we will probably pick up some seafood and have a nice meal, then watch a movie!
he brought me bfast in bed last year, cuz i had to work!!!!
twitter follower @whitetrashtrish
We're keeping it simple liek every year - we'll probably get a movie, takeout, dessert and curl up in bed to veg together
We'll probably lounge around the house for a while, go to lunch then maybe a movie.
staying home with a netflix movie
Well, honestly my girl and will most likely just make a nice dinner, stay in and watch a movie together. We also plan to lounge around in the spa and just luxuriate the day away :D
Well, one of the more romantic things she did for me last year was that she actually helped me fix my bike, which had just broken down the day prior. I found that to be a very caring gesture and I quite enjoyed that we could complete that project together :D
I am following you on Twitter :D
I just tweeted this giveaway here :D
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Username: Timbo Squad
Daily tweet
Unfortunately, my husband will be traveling, so I won't be doing much. :(
I'm following your blog in Google Friend Connect.
I'm following you on Twitter (I'm @ThriftyJinxy).
We do our Vday the day before since everything is not as busy..We usually go to dinner and maybe spend some quality time together at home alone..
Subscribe via email...
Follow you on twitter (@tatum810)..
My husband took me out for all the sushi I could eat and bought me my favorite wine with dinner. He was sooo thoughtful.
The most romantic thing that he has done was send me to a spa for the day.
I follow you on Twitter.
We'll be cooking dinner together at home.
This valentines day, my wife and I will be spending the day taking our kids snow tubing. They are the true signs of our love and we like to share they day with them. Now that night...that will be a different story.
The most romantic thing my wife has done on valentines day is taking me on a spa day for two at resort back when we had extra cash before I was unemployed.
email subscriber as well.
I am a twitter follower as well-packerfantimmy
I tweeted this great giveaway... http://twitter.com/packerfantimmy/status/8641510482
google friend connect follower as well-packerfantimmy
err umm we'll be doing the usual Valentine's day things...
i hope i will be getting rid of the kids somehow and going out to dinner with the wifey--and i hope to be giving her the bigger badder wedding ring she wanted
my wife hasn't done anything too special other than arrange the dinner and movie thing for me and getting rid of the kids-this year should be different though
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Nothing since I have noone to do anything with!
Im cooking dinner.
Shh...its a suprise!
My husband and I are having a romantic dinner at home. garrettsambo@aol.com
We are going geocaching for valentines day, because that is a hobby we both share.
Our first valentines together, he cooked me a candlelight dinner, which was very sweet for him, as he does not cook at all.
I had a bubble bath waiting for me when I got home. There was a trail of rose blossoms from the front door to the bedroom. garrettsambo@aol.com
Were doing dinner and a movie. Thanks for the chance.
I'm making Lemon Cheesecake :)
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