Monday, December 21, 2009
Halls Refresh Review and Giveaway!
This time of year it seems like everything is dry. I have dry skin, dry lips, dry hair and dry mouth. I can lotion and condition the first three, but what's the best way to moisten your mouth?
Halls has came out with---no not a cough drop and not really candy either---it's an actual "mouth moistening" product, Halls Refresh.
* Advanced Moisture Action™ formula
* Sugar Free and may be incorporated into the diet of diabetics and others who are monitoring their sugar intake
* 0 grams of sugar per drop
They come in three mouth watering flavors: Refreshing Mint, Juicy Strawberry and Tropical Wave.
I had the pleasure of reviewing the Juicy Strawberry and Tropical Wave. These do what they claim, because my mouth was refreshed and definitely moistened. I just wasn't really crazy with the flavors. The strawberry was probably my favorite out of the two, but I think I was expecting more of a candy flavor because these weren't supposed to be cough drops, but I still felt like they had a medicinal taste. I let my husband try them both and he said that he wouldn't choose them for candy, but more of when he would have a sore throat or throat "itch", and I have to agree. I wouldn't want them for a snack, but they are definitely better tasting than regular cough drops for when you aren't really coughing but have a little "tickle" in your throat. I would like to try the mint flavor to see if I like the taste any better in those. Thankfully I don't suffer from chronic dry mouth, but if someone did, I can see how these would be a help, especially without all the sugar of a candy. I'd love to hear if you guys have tried these and what you thought!
In the meantime Halls is offering some awesome giveaway gifts! One grand prize winner will receive a robe and slippers with the Halls Refresh logo, and 5 runner up winners will receive a Halls Refresh T-Shirt!
The Rules:
1. Entry #1 must be done FIRST for all other entries to count.
2. Your email address must be with each comment or available on your Blogger profile (and your profile set to public view) for your comment to count.
3. This contest is open to US addresses only and no PO Boxes will be accepted.
4. This contest ends on 12/27/2009, midnight EST.
5. The winners will be contacted by email and will have 2 days to contact me back with their mailing addresses or new winners will be chosen.
To enter:
1. Visit Halls Refresh and let me know (in a comment) something not mentioned in the review.
2. Become a fan of Halls on Facebook and leave me a comment letting me know you've done so.
3. Subscribe to this blog by email, and leave me a comment letting me know the email address you subscribed with. (You must confirm the subscription for it to count.)
4. Blog about this giveaway with a link back and leave me the link to your blog post in a comment.
5. Follow me on Twitter (right sidebar), and leave me a comment with your Twitter name.
6. Tweet this contest and leave me a comment with the URL to your tweet, this may be done daily. (You can use the Retweet button above this post to make it easier.)
7. Follow me on Google Friend Connect (right sidebar) and leave me a comment letting me know you did.
8. Promote this giveaway in any way and leave me a comment letting me know how you did.
9. Place my blog button (right Sidebar) on your webpage or website and leave me a comment with the URL so I can check.
In accordance with FTC rules:
I received some of the Halls Refresh drops free to review. All opinions are my own and will always be my own, regardless of any free items or compensation I may receive.
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I learned that they have just 30 calories per serving (5 pieces).
I am a Halls FB fan (Laura Hulke Wales).
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Established in 1893. That's a long time!
Following on twitter- genny315
Halls FB fan (Genny Heavenly)
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The Total Fat in the Halls Refresh is 0!
The website sayd there are 30 caories per serving.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
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denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
I follow you as wiscmom24 on twitter.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
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denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
Hall Refresh has only 30 calories per serving, which is 5 pieces and 0 grams of fat. Thanks so much.
There are only 30 calories per drop and no fat
Twitter follower - @Ziggywag
Email Subscriber
I learned that every time you enter the HALLS® Every Drop Makes a DifferenceTM Sweepstakes, a $1.00 donation will be made to The Conservation Fund.
30 calories a serving
6 calories each
I learned there are 30 calories per serving and 4 servings per bag.
miskit (at) gmail (dot) com
A serving size is 5 pieces.
They have only 6 calories and 3 grams of carbohydrates per drop
facebook fan: carolyn gonzalez
follower on twitter: carogonza
It's available in 9-piece sticks and 20-count resealable bag. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I learned that this is a new mouthwatering hard candy formulated to moisten your mouth. They come in a resueable bag and each one has 0 grams of sugar per drop.
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12/22 tweet:
In addition to no sugar in these drops, there's also no sodium or fat!
hi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com
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hi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com
I learned they only have 5 calories per serving!
I'm a fan of Halls on Facebook!
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I promoted this giveaway by emailing all my friends about it!
I learned that they have just 30 calories per serving (5 pieces).
Halls drops have 30 calories. Thanks for the giveaway!
Anne L.
Halls Refresh is available in 9pc. packs and 20pc. resealable bags.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I am a fan of halls via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com.
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I learned that there is only 30 cal/serving, which is awesome. I think the tropical wave sounds pretty good.
Per Wikipedia: "acesulfame potassium has not been studied adequately and may be carcinogenic, although these claims have been dismissed by the US FDA[5] and by equivalent authorities in the European Union.[6]
Some potential problems associated with acesulfame have appeared in animal studies, since testing on humans remains limited. Acesulfame K has been shown to stimulate dose-dependent insulin secretion in rats, which might aggravate reactive hypoglycemia ("low blood sugar attacks")"
This is the reason I dislike artificial sweeteners.
fan of Halls on Facebook
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Google friend Follower# (188)
Established in 1893.
I visited Hall's Refresh and I learned that one serving equals 5 pieces, and there are only 30 calories in one serving (but 15 carbs). asthenight at gmail dot com
12/23 tweet:
I learned that menthol is a topical anesthetic for relief of sore throats and also a cough suppressant. yyeres(at)gmail(Dot)com
Serving per bag 4.
Supplement Facts: Serving Size 5 pieces (15g)
Serving per bag 4
Amount per Serving
%Daily Value*
Total Fat
0 mg
Total Carbohydrate
15 g
0 g
Sugar Alcohols
15 g
They come in a resueable bag
these are fat free - yippee!
i follow you on twitter @xoeskie
I read that there is Only 6 calories and 3 grams of carbohydrates per drop
tiramisu392 (at)
They also have Hall's Sugar Free Breezers.
Hall's facebook fan BlogSwag Dree
12/24 tweet:
0g of Sodium
I learned that there are 15 grams of sugar alcohol in these. I've never heard of sugar alcohol before.
I learned that they have isomalt in them- I' ve been looking for that for diabetic recipes!
I'm a facebook fan of Halls - barbarawr
I follow you on twitter - bsw529
I tweeted:
Three flavors are Juicy Strawberry, Refreshing Mint, and
Tropical Wave.
only 30 calories a serving, cool - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I learned that they only have 6 calories and 3 grams of carbohydrates per drop.
I became a fan of Halls on Facebook.
I follow you on Twitter. (eveningstarr1)
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They have 30 calories per serving which is awesome. Thanks for the chance.
I had learned that they have 30 calories per serving.
it was established in 1893 !
Halls Refresh
Supplement Facts: Serving Size 5 pieces (15g)
Serving per bag 4
Amount per Serving
%Daily Value*
Total Fat
0 mg
Total Carbohydrate
15 g
0 g
Sugar Alcohols
15 g
You can signup on the Halls site for coupons and news.
there are 6 calories in each drop. I've tried the tropical wave and it is a yummy flavor.
didnt know they were fat free.thanks
Boy I wish I had one right now as my throat has a sore scratchy itch feeling, maybe if i get theses I can prevent a sore throat even if their meant to refresh
Available in 9-piece sticks and 20-count resealable bag
Thank you so much for giving me a chance to be a winner
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Thank you so very very much
Halls was established in 1893. I didn't know they've been around that long.
I'm a subscriber.
I visited their web sites and learned of other flavors available.And one that is sugar free!!
As a dieter, I learned that 5 pieces have just 30 calories and 0 fat grams which is all the Halls I need for a day and 30 calories and great taste that is doable! Thanks!
A serving size is 5 pieces... so they actually expect 1 piece not to work adequately. Oh well... only 30 calories in a full serving anyway. Thanks.
HALLS Breezers™ are great tasting, non-mentholated throat drops that provide soothing relief from everyday minor throat irritation.
Wellness is about feeling 100% and doing the little things to help you and your family feel better and live better. Take advantage of the Wellness Center to help you feel your best.
I am a Halls FB fan.
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15 g of carbs per 5 pieces?? that sounds like a lot...
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tnshadylady at
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I learned that Halls started out selling caramels and other candies but things changed in the 1930's. That is when they discovered their formula for cough drops.
All the drops seem to have isomalt as the primary ingredient.
A serving size is 5 pieces.
ktgonyea at
There are only 30 calories per drop
it has 15g Sugar Alcohols.. so i know from experience too many will mess up your digestive system.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
I learned that they are available in 9-piece sticks and 20-count resealable bag.
Became a fan of Halls on Facebook.
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There are only 6 calories per drop.
I'm a Halls facebook fan:
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They contain Beta Carotene.
I learned that five pieces are only 30 calories!
Diane Baum
30 calolories per serving
They were established in 1893.
five pieces are only 30 calories, that is great
I have used the tropical kind once! These are great for sore throats, and with on 30 calories per 5 they taste great! I would love to try one of the other two kinds!
30 calories per serving!
I never even thought about this!
They are only 30 calories a drop. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
I learned that they are available in 9-piece sticks and 20-count resealable bags.
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justine pierson
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Halls didn't start out selling cough drops in the olden times,
but one thing that they DID sell
was British chocolate limes!
riceburns (at) hotmail (dot) com
I learned that the total fat is 0grams.
All 3 types of the Hall's Refreshers contain Beta carotene
Hall's fan on Facebook
Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom email subscriber @ susan56bft at gmail dot com
Halls facebook fan-tim hughes
Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom follower via Google
email subscriber-titletowntreasures(AT)yahoo(DOT)com
twitter follower-packerfantimmy
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Germs can live for hours, and in some cases weeks, on common surfaces. Use a disinfectant regularly to wipe and clean doorknobs, phones, remote controls, toys, computer keyboards, and any other items that are shared at home or at the office.
halls fan on facebook kathylpease
following on twitter klp1965
following your blog as klp1965
Serving Size is 5 pieces.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
I'm a fan of Halls on facebook-Joanne Schultz.
email in blogger profile.
i follow on twitter - js22222222 .
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email in blogger profile.
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They also have a sugar free halls!
Halls started out making soaps and jams.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
I follow you on twitter - ncschools.
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I learned that they have 30 calories in 5 pieces. Not bad!
A serving size is just 5 pieces!!
They have 30 calories per serving.
A serving size of 5 pieces has zero grams of sugar.
Halls Refresh have only 6 calories and 3 grams of carbohydrates per drop.
I found out that it comes in Gum form also!! Now that is neat:) Please enter me. Thanks!!
Also became an email subscriber:)
Also became a blog follower!!
I learned that there are only 6 calories per drop.
I became a fan of Halls on Facebook.
I subscribed by email.
Every time you enter the HALLS Every Drop Makes a Difference Sweepstakes, a $1.00 donation will be made to The Conservation Fund. :)
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